Having become acquainted with the Jibbit project , a lot of those who like to smoke marijuana have already tuned in to waiting for the launch of the platform, especially since we so praised cannabis in the last part of the review. Nothing, in this we even mock him a little.
Recall that Jibbit is a platform project where you can buy a finished product and even order a delivery home. Thanks to this approach, it is possible to completely eradicate the cases of drinking on the street and other dangers, which we will tell you about.
Having the opportunity to use marijuana, most people refuse to use it. An amazing fact, but it's true. EMCDDA is the center for the control of drug use in Europe, conducted a study in which it determined the percentage of Europeans who smoked grass at least once in their lives and the same number for Americans. You will be surprised, but for the USA this percentage is almost half of the total population. In Europe, where almost half of the governments of the countries look at cannabis use through fingers, this percentage is almost ¼. Now guess where marijuana is smoked less all of all?

Source: Talbott Recovery
That's right, in Holland, where the legislation in relation to smokers is the least strict. They show a record low percentage of users - 24%. So, if you are worried about the fact that Jibbit is the way that everyone will turn to marijuana, then you can breathe out quietly: the platform will only give amateurs the opportunity not to harm their health.
Security is the way to the rule of law
The most important thing that will have to be observed in the use and production of marijuana is legality. In some countries, consumption is still illegal only because the legislature believes that storing grass can be a socially dangerous act that damages institutions protected by law. Well, are they right and what role can Jibbit play here?
By itself, marijuana is not particularly harmful. And this is not the statement of one scientist or several who like to smoke and justify their addiction in this way. We can not even resort to their opinion, but will limit ourselves to simple logic and statistics.
What is the main indicator of harm of a substance? That's right, mortality. Every day a large number of people die from various factors. If we talk about drugs, then we take into consideration not only the death from allergies or overdoses, but also the diseases that have developed as a result of the use of the drug. Below you can see statistics of deaths from admission.
Source: nhmarijuana
Incredible, will not you agree? From a drug that was banned in most countries, not a single person died. And believe me, this statistics will be equally true not only for the US, but for any other country. Nevertheless, there is also a danger in marijuana that the Jibbit platform can eliminate.
Marijuana / not marijuana
Negative experience with the use of cannabis, as a rule, describe after surrogate. This low-grade marijuana, the effect of which is achieved not by the organic components of the plant itself, but by chemical substance (it can be different, at best, it is synthetic THC, but use more dangerous substances) applied to dried leaves of grass. It is this marijuana, or substitute that looks like it to her, can cause significant harm to the body or even lead to death. Therefore, buying grass from the guys on the street is unsafe and illegal.
But this problem can be very successfully solved by Jibbit. Having established control over groomers who will provide their products on the site, they will be able to give users confidence that they are buying a real product, not "chemistry". Also, the very nature of the decentralized platform, allows you to establish a permanent feedbuff, thanks to which users themselves can control the quality of products.
This means that if a low-quality marijuana or counterfeit is identified, the participant can initiate a vote that will tell whether to leave the product on the marketplace or remove it so as not to damage other consumers. By the way, user tools today allow you to distinguish between the present and the fake, so this can be a fairly effective mechanism.
If the production of marijuana is safe, the product itself will not harm the body of the consumer, then the legislation will have grounds for changing the dispositions of some articles that persecute consumers and groomers. So, the development of Jibbit can be one of the keys to long-awaited legalization .

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Profil link : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1785483
ETH: 0x0A39Baaa338F9F1f5f5b4e52f82095d0dD7c94D8

Having become acquainted with the Jibbit project , a lot of those who like to smoke marijuana have already tuned in to waiting for the launch of the platform, especially since we so praised cannabis in the last part of the review. Nothing, in this we even mock him a little.
Recall that Jibbit is a platform project where you can buy a finished product and even order a delivery home. Thanks to this approach, it is possible to completely eradicate the cases of drinking on the street and other dangers, which we will tell you about.
Having the opportunity to use marijuana, most people refuse to use it. An amazing fact, but it's true. EMCDDA is the center for the control of drug use in Europe, conducted a study in which it determined the percentage of Europeans who smoked grass at least once in their lives and the same number for Americans. You will be surprised, but for the USA this percentage is almost half of the total population. In Europe, where almost half of the governments of the countries look at cannabis use through fingers, this percentage is almost ¼. Now guess where marijuana is smoked less all of all?

Source: Talbott Recovery
That's right, in Holland, where the legislation in relation to smokers is the least strict. They show a record low percentage of users - 24%. So, if you are worried about the fact that Jibbit is the way that everyone will turn to marijuana, then you can breathe out quietly: the platform will only give amateurs the opportunity not to harm their health.
Security is the way to the rule of law
The most important thing that will have to be observed in the use and production of marijuana is legality. In some countries, consumption is still illegal only because the legislature believes that storing grass can be a socially dangerous act that damages institutions protected by law. Well, are they right and what role can Jibbit play here?
By itself, marijuana is not particularly harmful. And this is not the statement of one scientist or several who like to smoke and justify their addiction in this way. We can not even resort to their opinion, but will limit ourselves to simple logic and statistics.
What is the main indicator of harm of a substance? That's right, mortality. Every day a large number of people die from various factors. If we talk about drugs, then we take into consideration not only the death from allergies or overdoses, but also the diseases that have developed as a result of the use of the drug. Below you can see statistics of deaths from admission.
Source: nhmarijuana
Incredible, will not you agree? From a drug that was banned in most countries, not a single person died. And believe me, this statistics will be equally true not only for the US, but for any other country. Nevertheless, there is also a danger in marijuana that the Jibbit platform can eliminate.
Marijuana / not marijuana
Negative experience with the use of cannabis, as a rule, describe after surrogate. This low-grade marijuana, the effect of which is achieved not by the organic components of the plant itself, but by chemical substance (it can be different, at best, it is synthetic THC, but use more dangerous substances) applied to dried leaves of grass. It is this marijuana, or substitute that looks like it to her, can cause significant harm to the body or even lead to death. Therefore, buying grass from the guys on the street is unsafe and illegal.
But this problem can be very successfully solved by Jibbit. Having established control over groomers who will provide their products on the site, they will be able to give users confidence that they are buying a real product, not "chemistry". Also, the very nature of the decentralized platform, allows you to establish a permanent feedbuff, thanks to which users themselves can control the quality of products.
This means that if a low-quality marijuana or counterfeit is identified, the participant can initiate a vote that will tell whether to leave the product on the marketplace or remove it so as not to damage other consumers. By the way, user tools today allow you to distinguish between the present and the fake, so this can be a fairly effective mechanism.
If the production of marijuana is safe, the product itself will not harm the body of the consumer, then the legislation will have grounds for changing the dispositions of some articles that persecute consumers and groomers. So, the development of Jibbit can be one of the keys to long-awaited legalization .

Website | Whitepaper | Bitcointalk | Telegram
Profil link : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1785483
ETH: 0x0A39Baaa338F9F1f5f5b4e52f82095d0dD7c94D8